***Hi Friends! Here at Your Friends at Dacula Animal Hospital (formerly Dacula Animal Hospital), we always try to help as many patients as we can every day. We do accept walk-in appointments, your pet’s health is very important to us. We are also aware of how costly it can be to visit an emergency clinic and strive to keep our prices affordable. If you come in as a walk-in appointment please know there is a $15 dollar walk-in fee and you may have to wait up to two hours for your pet to be seen.
That being said, filling out the new client form on the home page prior to your visit will help speed the check in process when you arrive. We have listed guidelines from the American Veterinary Medical Association to determine what is deemed as an emergency. The sooner you contact your veterinarian when you see an issue with your pet the better off your peace of mind, your pet, and your pockets will be. Prevention is the key to keeping your pet healthy, avoiding surgery, and to help keeping pet care affordable.
13 Animal emergencies that require immediate veterinary consultation and/or care
Severe bleeding or bleeding that doesn't stop within five minutes
Choking, difficulty breathing or nonstop coughing and gagging
Bleeding from nose, mouth, rectum, coughing up blood, or blood in urine
Inability to urinate or pass feces (stool), or obvious pain associated with urinating or passing stool
Injuries to your pet's eye(s)
You suspect or know your pet has eaten something poisonous (such as antifreeze, xylitol, chocolate, rodent poison, etc.)
Seizures and/or staggering
Fractured bones, severe lameness or inability to move leg(s)
Obvious signs of pain or extreme anxiety
Heat stress or heatstroke
Severe vomiting or diarrhea – more than two episodes in a 24-hour period, or either of these combined with obvious illness or any of the other problems listed here
Refusal to drink for 24 hours or more
The bottom line is that ANY concern about your pet's health warrants, at minimum, a call to your veterinarian.